In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende. Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur.

Et renovabis faciem terrae.
Oremus. Deus qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti, da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de ejus semper consolatione gaudere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Let us place ourselves in the presence of God and bow in adoration before him.

My God, I firmly believe that you are here present; I adore you and acknowledge you as my sovereign Lord and Master upon whom I wholly depend.
Let us ask God for all that is necessary for our salvation.

My God, grant me sorrow to lament my sins, strength to overcome temptations, zeal to practice the virtues of my state of life, submission to my superiors, charity towards my Sisters, compassion for my neighbour, especially for the poor and the sick, and may I never fail to be attentive to my prayers, exact in my duties, and persevering in my resolves.
Let us offer all our actions to God.

My God, just as I wish to love nothing more than you, so I wish to live only for you. I offer you all my thoughts, all my words, all my actions and all my sufferings this day; please bestow your holy blessing upon them.
Let us say The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin
to obtain from God through Mary's intercession the grace not to offend him today.
The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin
Virgin most holy, accept my praise.
And give me strength to fight your foes.
Our Father. Hail Mary.

You are indeed blessed, Virgin Mary, in having brought forth the Creator of the universe.

You gave birth to the one who made you, while ever remaining a virgin.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary

Virgin holy and immaculate, no tongue can praise you worthily.

For you bore in your womb the God whom the very heavens cannot enclose.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary

You are all beautiful, O Mary.

And free from every stain of sin.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary

The gifts bestowed on you, Virgin Mary,

Outnumber the stars of heaven.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father.
Our Father. Hail Mary.

Queen of the whole world, we praise you.

Lead us to the joys of heaven.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary.

Treasury of all God's graces, we praise you.

Grant us a share in your heavenly gifts.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary.

Mediatrix between God and man, we praise you.

Through your intercession may the Almighty be favourable to us.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary.

Victor over heresies and all that is evil, we praise you.

Guide us lovingly in the way of truth.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Glory be to the Father.
Our Father. Hail Mary.

Refuge of sinners, we praise you.

Reconcile us with Almighty God.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary.

Mother of orphans, we praise you.

Make us beloved children of our Father.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary.

Joy of those who serve the Lord, we praise you.

Lead us with you to the happiness of heaven.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Hail Mary.

Advocate ever near us in life and in death, we praise you.

Lead us with you to the kingdom of God.

Rejoice, O Virgin Mary.

Rejoice forever and ever.
Glory be to the Father.
Let us pray.

Hail, Mary, daughter of God the Father, mother of God the Son, spouse of the Holy Spirit, temple of the Blessed Trinity.

Hail, Mary, my mistress, my wealth, my joy; Queen of my heart, my Mother and my life; my consolation, my dearest hope, my very heart and soul.

I belong to you entirely, and all that I possess is yours, Virgin blessed above all. May your soul be in me to glorify God; may your spirit be in me to rejoice in God.

Virgin most faithful, set your seal upon my heart, so that in you and through you I may be found faithful to God.

Grant, gracious Mother, that I may be numbered among those whom you love and instruct, whom you guide, cherish, and protect as your children. O Queen of heaven, I renounce from this moment anything in me that does not belong to you. O daughter of the King of kings, whose principal glory is within, do not allow me to be distracted by things that are visible and transitory; grant, rather, that through God's abundant grace, I may always be intent on the life within me, where I may find in God my delight, my wealth, my honour, my glory and my rest. Thus, through the Holy Spirit, your faithful spouse, and through you, his faithful spouse, Jesus Christ, your beloved Son may be perfectly formed in our hearts for the greater glory of God our Father, forever and ever.

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